Saturday, May 2, 2015

Treat Yo' Self - A Misanthrop's Attempt At Being A Good Hostess

     When I was a kid, my mom (sensing a dangerous DIY streak in her only child) signed me up for a monthly craft club. It was called Toucan Do, and it was everything that my four year old heart had ever wanted. The crafts were easy, the materials were included, and - much to the joy of my parents - the mess was relatively self contained. It showed up every month and filled my life with happiness, felt, and glitter - and I'm 100% certain that it started my love for subscription boxes.

     One of those subscription boxes has left me with more bath and beauty products than any human could possibly use, so I decided to find a way to send it all to deserving homes. The result - the easiest craft project that has ever existed. It made my previously mentioned craft box creations look like astrophysics. In fact, the only reason I feel comfortable calling it a "craft" is that it required a field trip to Michael's.  

Tide Stain Pen? Treat yo' self!

     We already have some Parks & Rec art in our guest bathroom, and since we have a lot of out-of-state guests it seemed like the perfect way to make the VelociCrafter Compound a more hospitable place. I bought a terrarium from Micheal's, threw in some sparkly rocks, and then loaded it up with my Ipsy surplus. Now our guests have an open invitation to treat themselves to whatever they need, and I can actually find the stuff I stash under the sink.

No power tools needed on this one. My neighbors must be overjoyed. 

     So there you have it. Was it exceptionally difficult? Nope, but it cleared up a ton of space and lets me be a good hostess with minimal human interaction. Also, if it helps another organizationally challenged person figure out their life, then it's basically a public service.

     You're welcome, universe.

     Till next time, clever readers!

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